Much more affordable than complex CRM, employee monitoring, or collaboration software.
The Time to Reply Ratio is the single greatest NEW ratio to increase sales via email in CITY. It can become a tool to monitor performance, productivity, and their influence on the bottom line.
It is one huge and unlimited platform that stores and sustains priceless online conversations that can make your company succeed.
1. Quick and Easy – Set & Forget
2. Non-intrusive – no need for training or workflow interruption
3. Actionable Insights
4. Increases Sales & Happy Customers (brand value)
The BIG Question?
So, how should you use productivity tracking data to monitor and support the productivity of your teams, and make sure that your clients and leads are getting the attention they need – all at an affordable price?
Perhaps you should consider…
timetoreply offers the best price for the feature set.
Much more affordable than complex CRM, employee monitoring, or collaboration software.
Can also save with the multi-tiered plan
Contact the team by email, online meeting, live chat, or phone.
Managed services are included, no nasty surprises.
Only pay for the mailboxes you need. Nothing more.
see your timetoreply Ratio™ in minutes!
Your Old Life
Employees are stuck at home and you have no idea if they’re still productive. You get a complaint from a customer. Apparently, they’ve been waiting days for a reply from your team and are so irate that they’ve left for your competition.
Another loss you can’t afford!
And the leads? Where are they? Who’s closing them? You’ve tried an expensive tracking tool but it’s invasive–your team hates it, half of them aren’t using it, and it’s been a flop
Your New Life – you’ve just picked up timetoreply.
Within minutes you have your first email timetoreply report. You know your exact RATIO! You see that your sales team is on the ball and responding to leads at lightning speed. You reward your superstars and they work even harder, closing more deals! Sales INCREASE… dramatically!
You also notice Jenny from customer services doesn’t seem to be online much at all. In fact, she only begins to respond to emails at 2 pm! You quickly get her the coaching she needs. Your customer services team sets a response time goal and see immediate weekly improvements. You watch your team respond quickly and upsell to existing clients
Your boss loves you. Your team is on fire…
Life is good
We also service the following cities: City1, City2, City3, City4, City5